Thursday, November 12, 2009


Alex Sturla- What is the difference between soil and dirt????

1 comment:

  1. Just a little something i found on the internet to help distinguish between the two....

    Dirt - mainly mineral based; pebbles and finely ground rock

    Soil - mineral, plant, fungi and animal based.

    There's a lot of dirt around the world, it's in plentiful supply - now worries there. The problem with dirt is that it's a filler and has very little nutrient content as it's primarily composed of basic minerals - calcium, iron etc. While these are required to some degree by plants, the real life giving properties are in the soil.

    Soil is a smorgasboard of nutrients; animal droppings and decaying plants and creatures add to its fertility. It contains a multitude of life forms including insects, fungi and bacteria - it's an ecosystem unto itself.
